Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Fishing & Angling Courses: Learn How to Catch Fish

Considering a Fishing & Angling Course? 

If you would like to learn how to fish with hook, line and sinker, a fishing and angling course may be ideal for you. Fishing is an excellent activity. As we know, our planet is mainly covered by water and one can only image the vastness of species of fish that live in these waters. Fish is nature’s incredible creation as they come in so many different sizes and colours. Fishing has a major role to play when it comes to creating a marine life under the ocean. It is a great hobby to have that will enable you to get outdoors and relieve any stress. The good news is there are tons of fishing and angling courses currently available.  

Fishing as a Hobby 

Fishing, also known as angling is the sport of catching fish, saltwater or freshwater, generally with rod, line and hook. Similarly, to hunting, fishing originated as a means of providing food for survival. Although, fishing as a sport is of considered antiquity. An Egyptian angling scene from around 2000 BCE shows figures fishing with rod and line and using nets. A Chinese account from around the 4th century BCE refers to fishing with a silk line, a hook made of a needle and a bamboo rod with cooked rice as the bait.  

References to fishing are also found in Assyrian, Roman and ancient Greek writings. Today, despite increased human populations creating great demands on lakes and rivers, fishing for sport remains to be one of the most popular forms of outdoor recreation across the globe. The issues of the modern angler fundamentally remain the same as those of every angler who came before: where to catch fish and how to best tempt them into being hooked. The angler must understand the weather and the wind, the nature of the quarry in addition to the ways of the water. 

The Health Benefits of Fishing 

Whether you are a match angler or a weekend hobbyist, fishing is an excellent way to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. Fishing will help to keep you fit. In other words, by going fishing your main muscle groups, heart and lungs are all getting an excellent work out. Fishing also increases your vitamin D intake. Even when the skies are on the grey side, being outside will top your body up on critical vitamin D reserves.  

The sport of fishing improves your concentration too. Being outside, taking notice of what is around you and spending time in nature will improve your concentration levels, according to research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The sport will also help you to reduce stress and unplug. Not to mention, it is an excellent way to get in some social activity as you can go fishing with friends. 

What Will I Learn?

A fishing course will teach you how to cast and the fishing basics. You will learn how to use a rod and reel and receive step by step directions of fishing basics such as knot-tying, setting up your pole, selecting and using bait, casting and how to remove fish from the hook. 

If you’re serious about doing a fishing and angling course, check out courses near you in the national course finder.

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