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Gardening Courses

Are you considering growing a career in gardening? We suggest you start here.

The practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture is referred to as gardening. It involves active participation in the growing of plants, and both the physical and mental health benefits of gardening have been well-documented.

Being outside in the fresh air and sunshine is an effective way to boost your mood and de-stress. In fact, gardening has shown to be helpful in reducing the risk of depression. If something is weighing heavily on your mind, gardening can allow you to focus on an activity that will bring you joy.

The great news is that there are many courses on gardening currently available for you to get started.

About Gardening

Gardening is the growing of plants such as flowers, shrubs, and trees as a hobby or as a career. It’s the food we eat, the landscapes in which we live and play, and in the environments in which we thrive. It is the business of managing what we grow while maintaining the health of the soil, air and water, and the well-being of our natural resources. When you garden, you help things grow, you make food, and you transform spaces.The options are endless with many variations of gardening available for any age or skill level.

Many people grow vegetables or fruit in their personal gardens. People do gardening outdoors in the soil in their backyard or pots or containers on their balcony or their patio. Some people do gardening on a roof. Gardeners can keep growing plants and enjoy the hobby as they grow older. Gardening is infinitely adaptable and fulfilling.

Being outdoors increases your exposure to Vitamin D and the weight-bearing exercise of gardening is good for bones and the heart. Indoor gardening relieves stress, increases creativity, productivity and focus, and promotes recovery. There’s some evidence that houseplants may positively influence the air quality in your home as well.

Gardening careers can focus on growing, cultivating, pruning, and treating plants for aesthetic purposes or you may decide to go along a horticultural approach and learn about gardening for food, education, science, or even business.

What Will I Learn?

  • You could learn about growing organically, the life in soils, and how to encourage them to thrive. 
  • You could learn where to put your garden, when to plant it and what are some of the easiest fruits, vegetables, flowers, or plants to grow. Master the basics of growing flowers, vegetables, and other plants in a variety of climates.
  • You will learn insights on how to create a beautiful, productive growing space that will last for years.
  • You could learn about irrigation and basic horticultural concepts of planting and watering. You could learn about hand tools and power tools and their uses in gardening.
  •  You could learn about creating a garden to attract birds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial animals. Learn to solve insect pest issues in your yard or garden using earth-friendly control methods.
  •  You could learn to understand pruning methods and the different styles of gardening.

Career Opportunities 

After completing your course in Gardening you could have a career as a gardener, caretaker, arborist, floriculturist, garden center owner or worker, greenhouse owner or worker, horticultural product manager, horticulturist, hydrologist.

Training in gardening and horticulture can also lead to work in floral design, conservation, education, and even psychotherapy, using plants to soothe patients.

If you’re serious about doing a gardening course, check out courses near you in the national course finder.  

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