
Latin Courses: Learn and Study Latin

Considering a Latin Course? 

It’s a great idea to take up a Latin course to unlock the many benefits of learning an additional language. Learning another language has benefits for your mental health, your mind and your personal and professional development. It is also an opportunity for you to give your brain a mental break from work life since you get to focus your mind on learning this new skill. In addition, you get to meet new people and make friends. The good news is there are tons of Latin courses currently available for a variety of different levels.  

About Latin 

Latin was originally spoken by a small group of people living along the lower Tiber River. However, the language has spread with the increase of Roman political power, first through Italy and then throughout most of Western and Southern Europe. The oldest example of Latin dates back to around the 7th Century BCE. It consisted of a four-word inscription in Greek characters on a fibula or cloak pin.  

It shows the preservation of full vowels in unstressed syllables in contract to the language in later times, which has reduced vowels. Early Latin has a stress accent on the first syllable of each word, in contrast to the Latin of the republican and imperial periods, in which the accent fell on either the next or second to last syllable of a word. Although considered a dead language, Latin is still used in many technical fields including medical terminology and taxonomy and the scientific classification of species among many others.  

Interesting Facts About the Latin Language

Latin is one of the oldest languages across the globe with its first scriptures tracing back to 75 BC. The Latin language originated and got its name from the Latium region in the old Roman Empire. In the old days, it was considered to be the language of educated people and scholars. Ancient literature written in Latin is considered to be the best literature in the world. Another interesting fact is that the Vatican City does not have an office language, although Latin does still hold huge importance in the Vatican. In relation to the Latin alphabets, most of the alphabets we see today of the Latin language have been derived from the Greek language, the Phoenicians and old italic languages.

Why Study Latin?

Study a highly organised and logical language such as Latin is much like studying maths in that it sharpens the mind, creaters greater attention to detail, cultivates mental altertness, improves problem solving abilities and develops critical thinking.

Since around two thirds of English words are derived from Latin, learning Latin provides invaluable insights into English vocabulary and the meaning and structure of English words, especially the longer and more complicated ones.

Studying Latin also positively affects the way we create discourse in English and guides us to express ourselves with increased confidence and effectiveness.

Learning Latin is also very beneficial for those who want to study law since numerous Latin phrases and terms are in legal discourse. Since Latin has highly organised grammar, learning the language will make us coordinate ideas, reflect on the various ways we say the same thing and therefore, speak and writer English better.

Additionally, Latin provides a gateway to the Romance languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian). Latin is the universal language of the western civilisation. It provides for a blueprint for pretty much any language we may plan to learn later in life.

What Will I Learn? 

Each Latin language course will vary depending on the course provider and the level of the course. However, there are some universal topics you can expect to explore in just about any Latin language course. Therefore, you can expect to be provided with a comprehensive appraisal of the Latin language. You will explore features of the language and examine the cultural context surrounding the language. In addition, you will learn the grammar basics and the origins and development of the Latin language. You can expect to come out of your Latin language course feeling confident to speak the language in daily life.  

If you’re serious about doing a Latin course, check out courses near you in the national course finder.